
       Переможці районних, обласних олімпіад за останні 5 років, підготовлені мною:
-Влад Величко І місце в районі, ІІ місце в обл.(2014),
-Богдан Баришнік ІІ місце в районі, ІІІ місце в обл.(2014),
-Каріна Мушик ІІ місце в районі(2013-2014),
-Діана Сатіянц ІІ місце в районі (2014),
-Дарина Ніколенко І місце в районі, ІІ місце в обл.(2015)
-Влад Величко ІІІ місце в районі(2014-2015),
-Назар Барабан І місце в районі(2015-2016),
-Діана Сатіянц ІІ місце в районі (2015-2016),
-Андрій Гребенюк ІІ місце в районі(2015-2016),
-Будько Ольга І місце в районі(2016-2017),
-Антон Слободянюк ІІІ місце в районі(2016-2017),
 -Катерина Салтан ІІІ місце в районі(2015-2016),  
-Діана Сатіянц ІІ місце в районі (2015-2016),
-Катерина Салтан І місце в районі(2016-2017),
-Андрій Гребенюк ІІ місце в районі(2016-2917),
-Назар Барабан ІІ місце в районі(2016-2017),
-Віталій Решетник І місце в районі(2016-2017), ІІ місце в обл. (2016-2017)

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Конкурси та олімпіади


  1. Websites, magazines, and television shows are free to say anything about celebrities and public figures – even if it’s not true.
  • Is this practice fair?
  • Why is the public so fascinated with the private details of famous people’s lives?
  • Would you be willing to trade privacy for fame? Explain your reasons.

 Of course, I think it is unfair to publish articles that contain false information. It may very offend people, of which it is written, and there funs. But newspapers and magazines have the same goal - to interest the reader, and for this they do everything. They try to find something interesting about celebrity, and if this can not be done - they invent something. Very often, these concoctions are a complete nonsense. In the Internet by the way we can see often  such titles as: "He died in a terrible accident ..." "Star couple broke up," etc. How about me, it's dishonest and mean. Everyone has the right to a private life and its secret.
  1. Some people believe that violent films and video games make our society more violent.
  • Do you think there is a connection between violence in the media and violence in real life?
  • Should there be greater restrictions on portraying violence in films and games?
  • Do you enjoy watching films or playing video games that have violent content?
    I think that the relationship between the violence in the media and in real life is very closely. The victims of this relationship are teenagers and people with weak mentality. It often happens that under the influence of violent movies teens forming gangs that are attacking ordinary people and rob them. Sometimes even robbery is not their goal, they want to just have fun. This is terrible,  of course,. Violence in games leads to the fact that teenagers are cruel, indifferent to the suffering of others. So I think that the restrictions on the portrayal of violence in movies and games should be. Firstly, the parents themselves must install these restrictions. They must not allow their children to watch violent movies and play games with violence. Unfortunately, not everyone understands it and to buy these games. Why? The answer is simple - to enjoy child. But he or she is a part of our future society. My attitude to violence in movies and games is very  negative.
  1. Social networking websites like Vkontakte and Facebook are incredibly popular, but some are concerned that young people are being too free with their personal information.
  • What information about yourself are you comfortable with sharing on the Internet.
  • Do you think people are being careless about their private lives?
  • What are the possible consequences, good or bad, of so much online sharing?
Як щодо мене, спілкування з друзями у соціальних мережах це досить зручно і цікаво. Воно дає можливість обмінюватись інформацією, показувати свої фотографії, знаходити нових друзів. Але ж звичайно не треба забувати про те, що доступ до інформації є вільним і ознайомитися з нею може будь-хто. Тому не треба розкривати всі таємниці свого особистого життя, або ж можна обмежувати доступ до інформації, роблячи її доступною лише для визначеного кола осіб. Я вважаю,що  доступ до особистої інформації для всіх користувачів не повинен бути відкритим. Адже це не завжди приносить користь. Дуже часто підлітки, намагаючись висловити свої почуття та життєві позиції, залишають на своїх сторінках у соціальних мережах не дуже пристойні фрази. Вони забувають, що ці фрази можуть побачити не лише їхні друзі, а й батьки, вчителі, бабусі, дідусі. І звичайно це може вплинути на ставлення до них з боку цих людей. Тому треба дотримуватися точки зору класика про те, що в людині повинно бути все прекрасно: і обличчя, і одяг, і думки, і сторінка в соціальній мережі.
   As for me, chatting with friends on social networks is quite convenient and interesting thing. It provides an opportunity to share information, display  photos and make new friends. But of course we must not forget that access to information is free and read it can everybody. So you do not  disclose all the secrets of your private life, or you can limit access to information, making it available only to certain people. I believe that access to personal information to anyone should not be open. It is not always has benefits. Often teenagers trying to express their feelings and attitudes, writing on their pages in social networks   indecent expressions. They forget that these phrases can see not only their friends, but also parents, teachers, grandmothers, grandfathers etc.  And of course it can influence on their attitudes  to you. That’s why we must keep classic’s opinion that a person should be beautiful in everything things :  face, clothes, thoughts, and even a page on the social network.
  1. In the United States, it’s common for private schools to accept only boys or only girls.
  • What do you think are the positive aspects of single-sex education? What are the negative aspects?
  • Would you like to attend an all-girls or all-boys school? Why or why not?
  • If a school denied admission to a student based on race, it would be discrimination. How is sex different, if at all?
    The results of recent studies of gender differences in education are largely in favour of single-sex schools and opposed to coeducational schools. These studies underline that men and women’s brain are different. Single-sex education not only tends to better academic achievements; it has also been shown to broaden student’s horizons. Boys at single-sex schools were more interested in drama, biology and languages than at coed schools, while girls at girls-only schools were more interested in maths and science. As a consequence the students were not constrained by gender stereotypes; they were freer to explore their own strengths and interests. Single-sex schools break down gender stereotypes. Studies have shown that students in the single-sex schools have a far more positive attitude toward studying than students in coed schools. But what about me, I prefer to study at coeducational school because I do not imagine our school life without our boys.
  1. Some educators value math and science more than the humanities (e.g. literature, music, and history).
  • Why do you think they feel this way and do you agree with them? Explain.
  • What would life be without the arts?
  • Should everyone be required to study them? Why?
Неможливо точно сказати, які науки є важливішими точні чи гуманітарні, тому що вони, як дві половини одного цілого не можуть існувати одна без одної. Людина з широким кругозором повинна мати і математичні навички і одночасно вміти висловлювати свої думки, знати про існування сили тяжіння та про те , хто намалював чарівну Мону Лізу. Не вміючи насолоджуватися музикою, людина втрачає чудову можливість відпочити та поринути у її казковий світ. Не знаючи своєї історії, людина не зможе правильно побудувати майбутнє, уникнути суперечок і криз. Не знаючи мов, неможливо бути рівноправним учасником світової спільноти. Не читаючи, неможливо розширювати лексичний запас, в результаті чого можливе виникнення непорозумінь, погіршення стосунків між людьми, неможливість доводити свою точку зору. Адже ж це так важливо. Добре , якщо учень захоплюється математикою, фізикою або хімією, але читати книжки, знати історію свого народу, цікавитися музикою та мистецтвом він теж повинен. Принаймні я намагаюся робити саме так.
   It is impossible to say exactly what is more important science and math or humanities  because they are two halves of one whole and can not exist without one another. A person with a broad outlook should have  math skills and at the same time be able to express their thoughts, know about gravity and  who painted the  magic Mona Lisa. If  person is unable to enjoy music, he lose a great opportunity to relax and involve himself in its fairy world. Not knowing the history, people will not be able to build a future, to avoid disputes and crises. Not knowing the languages, it is impossible to be an equal member of the international community. Without reading, we can not expand our vocabulary. It probably caursed  misunderstandings and  appearing difficulties in relations between people, disability to prove own point of view. Because this is so important. It is good, if the student enjoys mathematics, physics or chemistry, but to read books, to know the history of his people, be interested  in music and art, he also must. At least I try to do so.
6.         Stereotypes are generalized descriptions that are said to be true about all members of a certain group.
•          Are stereotypes good or bad? Provide examples.
•          How do they arise and where do they come from?
•          How can they influence people?
   As for me stereotype are bad because they hang labels on the people. They influence our behavior and make us do things that are not correct in definite situations. For example, there is a gender stereotype that girls are better in humanities and boys are better in science. But according to   the results of recent researches   boys at single-sex schools are more interested in drama, biology and languages than at coed schools, while girls at girls-only schools are more interested in maths and science.  Other example takes place when bad pupil at last decide to rice his educational level and marks but his previous negative experience and stereotypes do not allow to do this. The stereotypes exist a very long period of time and I do not know exactly about their origin but I think that they were born in prehistoric time.  

7.         With all the pressures of the modern world, time is an important factor in our lives today. How does time impact your life?
•          Do you have enough time to do all things you’d like to do in your life?
•          How do you prioritize your time to accomplish the things that are most important to you?
•          Do you follow a strict schedule and calendar, or do you “take life as it comes”? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your approach?
   In the modern world the proverb “Time is money” is very actual. We can not buy, borrow and sell it. Time is invaluable. And off course time has a huge influence on our lives. It’s pity but we can not stop time. In our busy society the first aim is to learn to manage the time. The person who has such traits of character as well self-organization and punctuality has opportunity to reach this goal. These traits of character also are required by employers when we get a job. That’s why we must follow strict schedule and calendar. Except work, time management is necessary in our daily life.  If we do everything in time we’ll have free time for our family. But it is so difficult to do everything in time. Sometimes we want to be a lazybones and do nothing. But don’t forget modern society does not allow such behavior if you want to reach success, of course.  
  1. We all try to avoid illness through healthy daily habits and diets. When we get ill, most of us go to the doctor for advice or prescription medicines.
  • What preventative measures do you take to maintain your health?
  • How do different cultures approach health care? Compare and contrast Ukrainian health care with another culture.
  • In your opinion, do people rely too much on pharmaceuticals?
   There are a lot of different problems in our life nowadays. Certainly, this ruins our health. So we must be careful to our health. First of all it is important to eat healthy food and do it regularly. This is because from food we get all vitamins and microelements necessary for our body to feel well. As for me, I try to eat fruit, vegetables, dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cheese, yogurts etc.  I usually have three meals a day. On breakfast I prefer to eat porridge because it is very useful for my health. Except food it is also very important to go in for sport. Sport and physical exercises make us strong and healthy and help us to keep fit. Every morning I do my morning exercises.  In the summer I like to play basketball with my friend and go camping. At last stresses and problems have a great negative influence on our health that’s why I try to be quite and do not worry.
  If nevertheless I fall ill I’ll go to the doctor for checkup. The doctor will prescribe me some medicine and I’ll of course follow his advices.  I think we have to buy medicine that was prescribed for us by doctor but sometimes people rely too much on pharmaceuticals and buy medicine without doctor’s prescriptions. It is wrong because pharmaceutical can not define your disease without checkup and analysis.
  What about health care in our country I think that Ukrainians pay little attention to their health.
And the level of medical service is very low in Ukraine.


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