- “What should I choose as my future profession?” – this is a question that every young person asks himself entering the adult world.
- Of course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world.
- It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.
- Almost half of a person’s life passes at work.
- So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession.
- Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities.
- In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.
- For example, I like biology.
- I adore animals, plants, insects, and all forms of life.
- I spend many hours reading books about wild nature, characters and habits of animals, underwater life etc.
- I believe that nature is so mysterious and powerful, that it’s natural to admire it and to devote all your life to its exploration.
- But it’s not my only hobby.
- Most of all I like painting and I want to be an artist.
- As a child, I began to draw everything I saw around myself.
- I drew my parents, my friends, my kitten, flowers and other things.
- Then I entered art school and began to study painting.
- My parents doubt this is the right decision.
- They say this profession demands on you to give it all your energy and passion and one must be fully dedicated to it in order to achieve perfection.
- At the same time nowadays it’s difficult to earn your living with painting.
- But I don’t agree with them.
- I think that modern life open new horizons for artists and they can work in many fields today.
- Many artists work as designers for advertising agencies or for web design studios. Yes, there are many designers who draw with computer programs like Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, but the skill of drawing by hand is highly appreciated in many design studios.
- Besides, such job demands not only computer knowledge, but also creative thinking of an artist.
- So I look in my future with optimism and hope to become an artist.
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Education in Great Britain
Education in Ukraine(topic)
Education plays a vital role in people's lives. Its main purpose is to prepare young people physically, mentally and socially for the world of everyday life and work.
The majority of schools in Ukraine are free and they are financed by the state. Private schools are few in number. Parents pay for these schools. State schools provide the pupils with all the necessary books and equipment for their studies.
Children start primary school at the age of 6. At primary school they get basic elementary knowledge in major sciences. After 4 years of primary school children go to secondary school and begin to study a range of subjects which will form the basis of their education. They study Algebra, Geometry, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, foreign languages and other subjects. All the subjects are important and they all must be paid much attention to. There are also schools which are specializing in various subjects, for example, in Mathematics or in foreign languages.
The school year begins in September and finishes in May. The school year is divided into four terms called quarters. Each quarter is followed by holidays. The scale of evaluation exists in the system of education. It helps to see the level of pupil's knowledge and consider the perspective of their future activity. Parents receive regular information about the progress in studying of their child.
At the end of the 9th form pupils take the exams. They can leave school if they wish and go to a college of further education to study for more practical diplomas relating to the world of work, such as typing, mechanics, hairdressing, etc.
At the end of the 11th form pupils take the final exams and the results of these exams influence for entering the university.
As for me, my favourite subject is English. Nowadays it is impossible to do without foreign languages because of expanding economic and cultural ties of the country with other countries of the world. To my mind, a person can't be a learned and well-educated person if he doesn't know at least one foreign language. I like studying. My favourite proverb is, 'Live and learn'.
My opinion is that the educational system in Ukraine fulfills the main purpose of education. Every year thousands of pupils finish schools with good results and many of them enter higher educational establishments to continue studying. Due to the knowledge the students get while studying, they become skillful specialists in different spheres and make a contribution to the development of their country and society.
Essay on Education in the UK
The UK is a highly developed country, in general, that’s why the educational system in the UK is well developed and highly ranked. It’s important to note that the country consists of four parts Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland. That fact causes some peculiarities of education in each part.
As in many other countries education in Great Britain involves nursery, primary, and secondary schools for school education; higher education institutions such as colleges and universities for higher education and also some establishments for further or adult education.
School education in the UK is compulsory and free from the age of five. Primary school is common for all students. But at the age of 11 children take exams and have the opportunity to choose the type of secondary school: grammar school with a more academic type of education; a secondary modern school which gives more general knowledge: or secondary technical school with a more practical type of education. Children are able to finish school at the age of 16 with the General Certificate of Education. There are also some alternatives to state schools such as public schools which usually have a high fee for education or becoming more and more popular home education.
On the other hand, higher education in the UK is not compulsory or free. Moreover, the cost of education in many universities is quite high. Nevertheless, it’s high standard with very strong college system and even stronger university system. Some of the UK universities are world–famous and international establishments. The most well–known are Oxford and Cambridge universities which are also the oldest ones. The duration of education for getting a Bachelor’s degree is three years and then students can continue studying to get Master’s or Doctor’s degree.
As far as I can see, the education in the UK is fundamental and high standard. There are many options for children so they are able to choose whatever they want.
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